The Provenance of the Pledge
The aim of The Pledge is to build a community of people committed to the values and
ideals upon which our nation was built and reclaim the cultural inheritance with which
we have all been blessed.
The origins of The Pledge date back to 2019 and a number of essays that discussed the
principles and values that have helped shape British society and culture over centuries.
The writings explored how British culture had been eroded both by legislation and by
political inaction, and the resultant grave consequences for the rights and security of
Shaped over the following years by free-thinking, like-minded members of the public
from all walks of life, a text was crafted, The Pledge, that declares beliefs and values of
fundamental importance to our nation and its future.
The Pledge stands for the defense of Freedom—particularly the freedom of speech,
Equality under the law, Democracy (imperfect though ours may be), our Nation’s
sovereignty, and the pursuit of Truth.
The Pledge aims to unite people behind the goal of creating a peaceful, prosperous and
patriotic society by reclaiming the nation’s identity, Christian heritage, culture and
Through this declaration The Pledge aims to bring clarity, purpose and hope to
the British people.