We aim to build a community of people who are committed to our nation.
We believe in the power of the people to influence those elected to serve us.
The Charter
1. We believe in FREEDOM – the inalienable right of all people to freedom of thought, conscience and religion including freedom to change religion; to freedom of speech and freedom to hold and express views without interference and without fear. This freedom includes the freedom to mock and question the basis of a religion.
2. We believe all citizens should be free to think, speak and act according to their conscience and beliefs as long as those beliefs do not incite violence or limit the freedoms of others.
3. We believe in a person’s right to express their opinions, including in circumstances where this may offend others, without fear of interference by public authority, and the right to be able to communicate their views, through any media and regardless of frontiers.
4. We believe the freedom to hold open discussion of all ideas, including political and theological ideas, is vital to the healthy functioning of any modern democracy. If we silence those with whom we disagree we miss the opportunity for the truth to expose lies and for good to expose evil.
5. We believe no one should be subjected to arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon their honour or reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
6. We will campaign to repeal the Human Rights Act and introduce a Bill of Rights to protect these freedoms.
7. We stand against Government, media, big-tech and commercial intrusion, censorship, and de-platforming of those they consider to hold unacceptable views. Censoring those with whom we disagree is the first step towards tyranny. We need the Government, media, big tech, and industry to stop censorship and accept they do not get to decide which opinions and beliefs are acceptable.
8. We stand with all those who strive to build a peaceful, prosperous, and patriotic society.
9. We believe in EQUALITY – that all people living in the UK are equal under and must be subject to UK law.
10. We believe all people living in the UK are of equal value and should treat one another with respect and charity irrespective of gender, race or religion.
11. We believe in the right of everyone in the UK to live free from the threat of terror or violent crime; security of life and property are fundamental in creating a peaceful and prosperous society.
12. We reject all discrimination whether based on sex, race, ethnicity, disability, anti-Semitism or legal sexual orientation.
13. We will work for equality of opportunity for all to help the less advantaged build a life for themselves and enable them to work wherever possible.
14. We reject state enforced equality of outcome, an unnatural state, the enemy of freedom and the thinking error of Socialism, Communism and other totalitarian ideologies.
15. We believe the primary driver in the terms of equality are a shared sense of community and care for all people; “loving our neighbours as we love ourselves”. This principle has been at the core of what it means to be British for hundreds of years.
16. We encourage all immigrant communities to embrace British culture and the society, freedoms and responsibilities that it provides.
17. We will campaign to reform the Equality Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty to ensure protected characteristics cannot be used by radical political groups to discriminate against others.
18. We believe in DEMOCRACY – the right of UK citizens to self-government through representative government.
19. We will work to protect the freedoms of every citizen and resist:
• Government overreach and psychological operations that create fear as a pretext for reducing freedoms.
• Policies that equip the Government and others to take further control of our lives; for example removing cash and introducing a Central Bank Digital Currency; mass surveillance.
• Policies that create dependency on the State rather than promoting hard work and self-reliance.
20. We believe in the SOVEREIGNTY of the individual over their own lives and bodies.
21. We were born free, will remain free and believe our freedoms are God-given.
22. We support electoral reform to create a system of government that represents all citizens.
23. We believe in the unity and territorial integrity of the UK.
24. We believe the Government’s role is to protect the rights and freedoms of its own people.
25. We believe in government that is accountable to the people they are elected to serve.
26. We believe in small government and will seek to reverse the globalist agenda and reclaim Britain’s constitution and character.
27. We believe hard-working, tax-paying, civilisation-building families should be front and centre of all policy making.
28. We believe in the sovereignty of the nation state as a bulwark to the undemocratic influence of totalitarian supra-national bodies like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation and the European Union.
29. We do not believe that any other authority either outside or within the UK should have any jurisdiction in this country or make legal rulings that affect people’s lives and freedoms.
30. We believe the UK legal system must be impartial and freed from political and religious influence or control.
31. We seek a moratorium on immigration and a national conversation on the importance of assimilation, to protect the peace and prosperity of our nation.
32. We believe in immigration based on the UK’s need and the suitability and willingness of the immigrants to assimilate.
33. We will campaign to leave The European Convention on Human Rights so we can ensure sovereign control of our nation’s borders.
34. We respect all individuals as ‘created by God’ but we reject the idea that all cultures and ideologies are of equal standing and value.
35. We reject the delusion of Multiculturalism, which encourages multiple monocultures and leads to division and conflict.
36. We reject all forms of political and religious totalitarianism whether it is Globalism, Communism, Fascism or Islamism.
37. We will support those within Government with the vision, polices and investment agendas that:
• Build towards energy, utility infrastructure, food, technology and military security.
• Enable the industries of the future.
• Train British citizens and reduce the dependence on imported and transient labour.
• Enable schools, hospitals and homes to be built to meet demand.
• Drive efficiency in the public sector including the Civil Service, local councils and the NHS.
• Incentivise work and reduce the size of the welfare state.
…to secure the future and prosperity of future generations.
38. We believe in a free, unregulated and uncensored press. We will seek out independent voices to free ourselves from controlled narratives and seek truth.
39. We celebrate our Christian heritage, culture and values.
40. We stand against all extremism and including racism, antisemitism and anti-British bigotry and seek to oppose those who would see our way of life and laws eradicated.
41. We stand against so-called ‘progressive’ ideologies, like ‘Critical Race Theory’, that spread division and hatred, erode our freedoms and damage the fabric of society.
42. We claim our right to speak freely without fear and reject accusations of ‘hate’ and all legislation used to silence us or prevent the scrutiny of ideas.
43. We reject the intimidation and violence of divisive activist groups, the mainstream media, the Government and the mis-use of corporate power.
44. We encourage respectful dialogue and speak up for the truth, common sense and the civil rights of all citizens
45. We recognise marriage between one man and one woman is the best model for stable families and for society.
46. We stand to protect children from ideological and political indoctrination.
47. We stand to protect the innocence of children and will work to stop Transgender activists in their efforts to mutilate the minds and bodies of a generation of children. We will ban all forms of gender reassignment for children. We will expose ‘grooming’ and paedophilia.
48. We cherish every human life as sacred.
49. We chose to fight for these values, rights and goals.
50. We will not be silent.
We commit to this so generations to come may continue to be free.
The Pledge
I am making a stand for British people; our Freedom, Equality under the law, real Democracy, our family, our home.
We are stronger together.
I signed the pledge…
My Country, My Home